What's New: On-the-Go Marketing


New Edition of The Weekender and 2017 football schedules are out!

Don’t miss out on free email marketing available on OurOnePlace.net. We offer housing reports, sports schedules, holiday greetings, home project tips and more with many available as set & forget campaigns. Plus, look for the new personalized email letterheads coming soon if you like sending a custom message to your clients.

If you didn’t already have set & forget campaigns set up when the latest Weekender and football schedules went out, don’t worry! Follow these simple steps to send a campaign out to your clients manually. You’ll find the latest edition of The Weekender under Other eCards > The Weekender – Summer – Best of the Backyard. Football schedules are located under Sports Schedules.


Digital Listing Presentation

Show up with a digital presentation and wow your customers with your tech saviness! Available in Keynote and Powerpoint for easy personalization. Login to OurOnePlace.net and navigate to your brand folder in Downloads to start using those today.

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Prefer Printables?

Get the latest listing presentation personalized on Downloads. We’ve also updated content in the CMA. Sports schedules and housing reports are also available as personalized printables. Find them under “Personalized Promotional Materials” on OurOnePlace.net.