Our Family Ranked #2 Top Workplace in Michigan!


Our Family Ranked #2 Top Workplace in Michigan!

This article was featured in The Detroit Free Press on 11/10/2020.

While the formula for success has proved to be elusive to businesses for generations, it seems that the Real Estate One Family of Companies might just know the secret. After serving Michiganders for nearly 100 years with the full spectrum of real estate-related services and expertise, it’s no surprise that the Real Estate One Family of Companies has been named among the top workplaces in the area.

Founded in 1929, the Real Estate One Family of Companies includes four brokerage brands, five real estate service companies and a school. It’s also been the largest real estate company in Michigan for 40 years. Whether you’re buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking insurance or looking for rental management, you’re likely to find a solution within the Real Estate One Family of Companies.

“Throughout the past decade, it’s been a huge honor to receive a spot on the Top Workplaces list each year,” said President of Financial Services, Stuart Elsea.

“Yes, we’re incredibly proud of our accomplishments in sales and top customer service reviews, but being named a Top Workplace is right up there for us because it means the people who work hard to make those other achievements a reality are happy and feel fulfilled doing so. These results help put a pulse on the well-being of our company and getting a good report back tells us that we’re healthy and motivated and ready to take on whatever the next decade brings.” 

With nearly 100 years of history, it’s perhaps no surprise that a family atmosphere is such a large part of the Real Estate One Family of Companies’ culture. It remains family-owned, which means that employees and associates are treated with a greater level of care, respect and professionalism. It also means that there’s confidence in the future of the Real Estate One Family of Companies. Whether there’s a downturn in the real estate market – or, as we’ve experienced in 2020, a pandemic –– company leadership has the confidence and foresight to see the business through.

This was particularly the case in 2020, when COVID-19 affected every business and household in the country. Company leadership made sure to communicate and connect with employees, agents and clients, producing a special edition publication to explain how the company envisioned managing the challenges, how it was prepared to reach 2021 and beyond, and what resources it was offering for everyone to use. Whether it was making telework easier or finding new ways to engage in marketing, the company made sure everyone was on the same page.

“Because we’ve been in business for almost a century, our company has been through a lot,” said President of Brokerage Services, Dan Elsea. “And although we had never survived a pandemic, our history of facing challenges head on gave us confidence and hope. Many of our agents are essentially self-employed, so we focused a lot of our efforts on supporting them through the hardship –– whether that was keynote motivational trainings or added bonuses to the commissions that were made during the shutdown. We also created our Going Forward guide to showcase all of our resources and support strategies in one place, so it would be easy for our agents to review and use. Our main focus was to prioritize our agents’ and employees’ success and safety over everything else, and it still is as we continue to navigate this pandemic.”

As a local leader in real estate, it’s vitally important to be engaged with the community. That’s why employees and affiliates of the Real Estate One Family of Companies put such an emphasis on supporting causes within the community, committing valuable time to those charities and making donations to help sustain them. In addition to the day-to-day commitment from employees, the company also has a charitable foundation that directs donations to worthy local causes. 

“Our charitable foundation infuses our company with a purpose that is bigger than ourselves,” said Stuart Elsea. “It not only provides an outlet to give back to local organizations, but also to build relationships and make memories with members of our community. With the pandemic this year, many of our charitable events couldn’t take place in person and the void has been noticeable. Though we have still been involved virtually with Special Olympics Michigan Virtual Olympic Games, the Walk to End Alzheimer’s and more. We look forward to our Giving Tuesday this year, where we do a 100% company match for all fundraising. Our offices, agents and employees love to get creative with from pizza parties to chili competitions to raise money. I’m sure this year with the pandemic, they’ll get extra creative!”

While 2020 has been a challenge, the Real Estate One Family of Companies will continue to be a productive part of the economy for years to come. Looking toward its 100th anniversary in 2029, company management remains committed to its employees, agents and Michiganders. That means a continued devotion to evolving and growing – whether that’s employing new technological tools, finding creative solutions for telework and flexible work situations, or creating solutions to help buyers and sellers reach their potential. 

“We like to say that we’re the oldest ‘startup’ company around!” said Dan Elsea. “What we mean by that is we’re constantly reinventing ourselves – that’s truly the key reason we’ve grown to the size and success that we have. Each new generation brings a new way to approach our business. We have the luxury of being able to both plan for the long run and adjust for the current challenges and opportunities we face. Because we’re always shifting and showing up for change, this also creates an environment that fosters the growth of our agents’ and employees’ careers. They know our doors are always open to new ideas and strategies, which we believe will allow us to keep our doors open for the people of Michigan for many years to come.”