Affiliate Updates for March 2020

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Join Larry Bsharah for the Mortgages in Michigan Virtual Town Hall on April 28th at 7pm. Larry will share how the past 6 weeks have impacted home financing and will answer questions about what to expect ahead in 2020. Register here.


We want to send infinite gratitude to all of our team members who have been showing up to keep business moving during this difficult time. We’ve gathered a few “Thank You” shout outs from agents for you to enjoy!



In response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, leading insurance companies are providing a percentage-based refund on personal auto premiums. Below you will find the refund amounts for the top carriers at Insurance One.

Frankenmuth Insurance: 15% refund on personal auto premium for April & May

Safeco Insurance: 15% refund on April & May premiums starting April 7

Citizens: 15% discount on April & May premiums

Progressive: 20% credit for April premiums for each car insured as of April 30; 20% reduction on May premiums for cars insured as of May 31; credits will apply automatically in May & June

AAA: 20% refund applied to two months of premiums for the months of April and May


Governor Whitmer signed an Executive Order extending the current EO prohibiting evictions until May 15th, 2020.

As was the case with the original ban, the following is how this relates to landlords and our interpretation based on the counsel from the Michigan Attorney General:

  • Termination Notices. Limits issuance of a termination notice to only situations where a tenant “poses substantial risk to another individual or an imminent and severe risk to property.”

  • Nonpayment of Rent Notices. Limits issuance of a Demand for Possession for Nonpayment of Rent.

  • Execution of Writs. A Writ can only be executed to remove people and/or personal property if a tenant “poses substantial risk to another individual or an imminent and severe risk to property.” Thus, a writ cannot be executed for other legal action, such as a nonpayment case.

We recommend that landlords continue discussing the inability to pay rent with their tenants. Open communication is beneficial during these times, but we are reminding everyone again to have every agreement or payment arrangements in writing. 

If you have questions or need assistance, Rental Management One is here to help you navigate this.

Call: 248 208 3882