We are flying you to your next getaway!

Your outgoing referrals earn miles to win Delta airfare for you and your 'plus one.'

Place outgoing referrals through Kristen Thompson in Client Services to earn qualifying miles. The individual with the most miles on December 15, 2019, will win two Delta SkyMiles Comfort+ certificates to be used in the US & Canada.* Learn more about program details below.

Submit an Outgoing Referral

Fly Away with Client Services Promotion

February 1, 2019 - December 15, 2019

Submit outgoing referral through Kristen Thompson in Client Services.

You can be as involved with this process as you'd like! Want to connect and interview with the assigned agent first? No problem! Let Kristen know and she'll accommodate your special requests.Submitting an outgoing referral is simple! Log in to ouroneplace.com and complete this online form or contact Kristen Thompson.

Referral meets qualification requirements.

Your submitted outgoing referral is qualified when the following criteria are met:1. Client Services contacts the client and has confirmed submitted information.2. The client is receptive to working with an agent.3. The assigned agent reports activity of working with the client.Direct referrals do not qualify for the Fly Away with Client Services promotion. All qualifying outbound referrals, domestic and global, must be submitted through Client Services.

Earn miles.

First, earn destination miles, calculated from your office city center to the referral's destination city center. Once closed, you'll earn return miles, from the closing address to the office city center. If a closing address is not available, return miles will be calculated from the destination city center.Referrals must be placed and closed between the promotion dates of February 1 and December 15, 2019, to earn miles.In some instances, when a referral is placed with a value of $50,000 or less, a referral fee may not be secured, and miles will not be awarded.

Fly away!

The individual with the most earned miles on December 15, 2019, will receive two (2) SkyBonus Delta Comfort+ certificates to be used in US & Canada (Hawaii excluded). In the result of a tie, the winner will be determined by a drawing.

For questions about outgoing referrals or the Fly Away with Client Services promotion, please contact Kristen Thompson.kthompson@realestateone.com


* Delta SkyBonus Comfort+ certificates can be redeemed for eligible flights in the continental United States, Alaska and Canada (Hawaii excluded).